About Us

Hello Everybody, let us introduce ourselves. We are Luke and Xena, the Founders of our own company/business, Makers of our own jewellery and a Husband and Wife team. We started off both working 9-5 jobs 5 days a week. We got tired of working for other people and wanted to become our own bosses. Now we work from home 24/7, plus running after our child and soon to be two and two cats! What did we do to ourselves?!

We both came up with the idea of starting our own jewellery business. We wanted something unique, something you could use your creative side to, play around with and come up with new ideas, something that stood out.

Polymer Clay was our first idea and then we added Opals, Gemstones, 925 Sterling Silver and 9k Gold into the mix. Most of the stones we have mined ourselves. We both started at the markets and were constantly asked if we had a website. We were both hesitant on the idea. What if it wouldn’t/didn’t sell!? What if people didn’t like our jewellery?! But we took the plunge and decided it was worth a try. Now here we are thanking beautiful people like you for supporting our small business. We truly appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us get to where we are today!